Once you’re inside the YFC Infosystem site, these are the tabs that will welcome you. Please note that the available tabs for a Guest account differs from the Encoder account.

- Dashboard Tab – This is where you can see the profile of the area:
- At A Glance – displays area summary in terms of numbers. Clicking the numbers will give you a rundown of the names of the members.
- Birthday Celebrants
- Activity Reminder – shows a list of upcoming activities in the area
- Evangelization Growth – displays the number of Youth Camps, number of graduates and total YFC members from a year ago to the current year
- Gateway Evangelization – displays the number of GE activities and number of non-community participants from a year a
- go to current year
- Area Summary – shows the number of active members, activities and Youth Camps of the current year
- Member Search – contains a fill-up blanks for searching members; searching can also be done by letter of last name, by service, by course and by blood type.
- Area tab – The Area tab bears the actual name of your area (ex: Philippine Mission or Chapter A). The Area Profile can be found here.
- Sub Area – list of subareas and their respective number of members, number of activities and number of camps for the current year
- Activities – summary of encoded activities in the area. You can sort them according to the type of activities you’re looking for.
- Evangelization – list of Youth Camp dates, their respective areas, venues, programs and number of attendees. A dropdown menu of year allows the user to view the information of previous years.
- REACH (Evangelization) – list of Evangelization initiatives in the area
- Members – list of members in the area
- Leaders – list of the top leaders and the household heads of the area
- Household Meetings – reflects the household attendance encoded by household heads in the Members Portal
- Members Database tab – The members’ detailed information can be edited here. The user can also add and view the members who are for Transfers and for Transitions.
- Activities tab – The activities of the area can be added and edited here. The user can also sort what activities to be viewed using a drop-down menu. The link of the Attendance Capture Software (ACS) can be found here.
- Formations tab – This tab contains formation Track lists and the number of YFCs who have gone through that formation.
- Evangelization tab – This is where you can encode, edit and view Youth Camp details.
- Reports tab – The following contents are available for export: List of Members
- List of Inactive Members
- List of Leaders
- List of Households
- Birthday Celebrants
- Members Formation Report
- Export Specific Fields
- Export Member Records
- Evangelization Report – Year
- Evangelization Report – Month
- Households Report

- ACS / MembersID Tab – Contents for the Attendance Capture Software can be exported here. The Member ID Label App is also available in this tab.

- Help Tab – Some user manuals are provided in this tab.