YFC Infosystem Help and Learning
YFC Infosystem
Are your area accounts is not updated? Learn how to update and manage it now.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can multiple devices be used to get attendance in one activity?
A: Yes, but please be careful in uploading attendance.
Please visit the following tutorial to more on how to use ACS.
ACS Tutorials
Q: Why is there no “Household” in the Activities Option?
A: All household attendance should be done through the Household Head’s personal account
Please visit the following tutorial to more about household in YFC Infosystem.
Household Groupings Assignment
Encoding Household in Member’s Portal
View Household Report
Q: How can we delete a member’s double account?
A: A member’s account can only deleted only if there are no records of any activity attendance in his/her account. If both accounts are already used for an activity attendance, the area should email the infosystem support and request to merge the two
(2) accounts.
(2) accounts.
Please click below links to learn more about encoding members properly
New graduates
Existing Members