How to use ACS (Android) to record attendance?

Using ACS to record attendance in activities
  1. Open the Google Play Store
  1. Search for ACS and select ACSv2 – Attendance Capture Software 
  1. Press “Install” and wait for the installation of your app to finish
  1. Select the ACSv2 App on your mobile device
  1. Update your database by pressing the Members icon
  1. Press Update, select YFC in the database drop-down box, then login using your encoder’s account. Wait for the update to finish then press Done 
  1. Create a New Activity by pressing the Activity button
  1. Click the 2020-02-18 11:27:44.373000 button to add a new activity and fill up the necessary details of the activity then save it. You can also click the 2020-02-18 11:27:44.373000 button then select Download from OGD to download pre-existing activities from your Infosystem encoder account needing attendance. 
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  1. In creating a New Activity, fill up all the details being asked then press SAVE to confirm the Activity
  1. To capture attendance, select the Activities button on the home page then and select the activity you wish to record
  1. You can choose to capture the attendance via QR, select the names from the list, or NFC.
  1.  Capture the attendance
  1. Select the 2020-02-18 11:40:00.073000 button to upload your activity to the Infosystem
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  1. Log-in to your encoder account (if asked) then wait for the activity upload to finish.