Generate Reports

Generate reports of data selected through the YFC Infosystem
  1. Using the encoder’s account of your chapter go to Reports Tab 
  1. Click the Report that you want to generate. Identify the area whose report you need to retrieve then click GO
  1. Wait for the report to be generated.
  1. You can screenshot the reports, transfer them to an excel file for proper handling or forward them to those requesting these reports.


  1. Each link in the Reports generation tab fulfills a different function 
  2. List of Members: Provides the list of all members 
  3. Birthday Celebrants: Provides the list of members based on their birth month 
  4. Evangelization Report – Year: Provides the list of evangelization report per year
  5. List of Inactive Members: Provides the list of all inactive members  
  6. Members Formation Report: Provides all the list of members and their Pastoral Formation Track status 
  7. Evangelization Report – Month: Provides the list of evangelization report per month 
  8. List of Leaders: Provides the list of all leaders 
  9. Export Specific Fields: Exports (downloads) the list of members depends on the specific fields 
  10. Households Report: Provides a report on the Households conducted within the area 
  11. List of Households: Provides the Household listing based on the current structure within the infosystem 
  12. Export Member Records: Provides the list of members and their information